
Moon On The Other Side

Chapter 22 Aggrieved Daughter-in-law


From the words of the two of you who came to me to quarrel, Li Ranfang knew that they were mother-in-law. Daughter-in-law should go in to see her husband; her mother-in-law blocked her. The old lady was fat and standing in the middle of the door almost blocked the door. If daughter-in-law is forced, unless they fight. Li Ran secretly exclaimed: "This time you can see what a powerful mother-in-law is!"

Li Ran wanted to go in, but it was not good to push the old lady away, so she had to stand by and listen to their arguments.

The old lady's voice was loud: "My son has been in the hospital for so many days, then you remember to come to see him? Enough to hang around with your wild man?"

The daughter-in-law burst into tears, "Mom, I'm not fooling around with anyone, shall we go in and talk?"

"No! If you want, you can make things clear in front of everyone, let the big guys know what you are; you do n't want to explain you, my son doesn't have a lot of you here!"

"Why do you say that to me, and what evidence do you have that I'm fooling around with others?" Whimper whimpered.

"Evidence?" The old lady relented. "Look at the new clothes you bought just a few days ago. You have torn and trousers, and you're so embarrassed to run here. It's pretty hard. Are you excited? "

The daughter-in-law noticed the clothes on his body, oh my god, the jacket's pockets were ripped off, and the Japanese army's hat brimmed with the wind; a long opening was also opened at the corner of the trousers, covering the feet ugly A pair of used black leather shoes. Her daughter-in-law's face turned red, and she couldn't help crying. "This ... this ... I was hit by a car at the hospital door, and I was in a hurry to come here. I didn't notice when the clothes were torn ..."

"Edit, edit, Xiaoju, you continue to edit," she apparently did not believe her daughter-in-law, and she gave a contemptuous smile. "Since it was hit by someone, you should always remember the license plate number, what is it?"

"I ... I'm so anxious, I didn't pay attention ..."

"Then you can find someone to prove it. If someone can prove for you that it was hit by a car, I will let you in!" After that, the old woman gave her a scornful glance and stepped back, intending to close the door.

"Aunt, wait a minute, I can prove that I can prove to this sister that she was hit by a car just now," Li Ran said.

The old lady reopened the door to be closed again, and glanced outwards. "Oh, Li Ran is you, huh, hurry up, aunt didn't see you." Obviously, the content of Li Ran's proof was not proper. Going on.

"Ma'am, I'm telling the truth, because it was me who hit her. She was so eager to see her husband that she hurried away without looking to see if she was injured."

The old lady looked at Li Ran faithfully and looked at her daughter-in-law.

At this time, the daughter-in-law of the old lady woke up like a dream, "Yes, this sister, I was a little bit lost just now", and she cried with a humming voice, "Sister, you really are the female driver "God has eyes!"

"Don't cry, sister, my aunt said that someone can prove it for you and you can go in. Let's go in."

The old lady couldn't say anything anymore, and she vacated the place. The patients and their families who were watching the crowd outside felt that there was no more fun to watch, and they dispersed.

In the ward, the young patient sat on his bed and was crying with his face buried in his knees. Aunt Wu and Zhang Min stood on the side to persuade. He was helpless-one was a mother, and the other was a wife. Both of them could not afford to mess with him. He didn't know what else to do except cry.

Everyone sit down. Li Ran recounted the details before and after the crash.

After talking for a while, Li Ran knew that the sick boy was Zhang Xusheng; his wife was Li Xiaoju. She ran to the wrong floor just a few times before finding her husband here.

It can be seen from the manners that Xusheng and Xiaoju still love each other.

The family of three on this ** you argued the story in detail, the three on the other ** quickly heard the source of the story-it turned out to be a misunderstanding!

Here's the thing:

Xiaoju's mother's home and Xusheng's home are only two miles away and belong to different production teams in a village. When Xiaoju was a few years old, her father who worked in the city had another new love and abandoned her and her mother. A sick mother worried that she might die suddenly one day, so she ordered her baby doll to Xu Sheng from the village.

Elementary and junior high school, they are classmates. After graduating from junior high school, Xu Sheng dropped out of school and went home to become a real farmer; Xiaoju was admitted to the county high school with excellent academic performance. After rising to the third year, Xiao Ju, who was just beginning to fall in love with her classmate, Qiao Wen, was in a good class. However, she fell into Sun Shan after the college entrance examination. Break up.

Qiao Wen is a classmate in the same village as Xiao Ju and Xu Sheng.

A few years later, Xiao Ju, who had to confess his fate, married Xu Sheng, and lived a long life. After that, he had no contact with Qiao Wen. However, her relationship with Qiao Wen was spread and became a faint pain in Xu Sheng's heart.

Qiao Wen has hardly returned since he was admitted to the military academy. As the peaceful life kept moving forward, the period of unhappiness that made Xu Sheng sullen also faded away. The two were considerate of each other and cared for each other, becoming a loving little couple known to everyone in the village.

Not long ago, Qiao Wen, who had not returned home for many years, suddenly returned. He came to Xu Sheng's house and informed Xiaoju-the class leader in high school was going to have a classmate party, so that she must attend-he Qiao Wen came back for this purpose.

On the morning of the party, Qiao Wen drove a car borrowed from the monitor to pick up Xiaoju, and the two went to the city to attend the party. This book has made Xu Sheng's vinegar smell unpleasant. Unexpectedly, the night after Xiaoju left, she stayed all night. It wasn't until the next afternoon that Qiao Wen sent her back with laughter.

No matter in appearance, intelligence, manners, education, and family conditions, Xu Sheng knows that he and Qiao Wen are incomparable. Therefore, Xu Sheng, who loves his wife, thinks a lot about his deep inferiority complex. He concludes that his wife With Qiao Wen's old feelings revived, fooled together. He couldn't calm down and didn't believe his wife's explanation, so when Xiaoju sat down just after returning home, the two started fighting. This was their first fight after marriage.

Xiao Ju, who was beaten for no reason, packed her clothes and went back to her family. Before leaving home, in order to understand the hatred, she gave her husband a few angry words: "I like Qiao Wen, I will be with him, and I will be with him ... ... "These angry words are hard to accept for Xu Sheng. What made him even more uncomfortable was his wife's runaway. In the past few years of marriage, they have been almost inseparable, and it has become a habit to always have her in sight-he cannot do without her.

The next day, Xu Sheng suddenly vomited and diarrhea and was taken to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed acute gastritis. Because there were no beds in the general ward at that time, there was only one bed in the senior ward in the entire internal medicine department, and the old woman gritted her teeth, so she lived in the same ward as Zhang Min. Xiao Ju, who returned to her parents' house, did not know that Xu Sheng had been hospitalized. She only heard the news that her husband was ill today, so she hurried in desperately.

In fact, nothing happened between Xiaoju and Qiao Wen. The party was held in a hotel run by the squad's father. On the night of the party, a group of old classmates who hadn't seen each other for a long time, played like children late at night. She wanted to go home, but the bus was long gone. Want to let others send, but do not want to dispel the fun of male students. That night, she spent a bed with a few girls in the class. Throughout the party, she and Qiao Wen barely said a word-everything has changed, and each has a family. Those feelings of that year have long since gone, and reality is of paramount importance.

I ate lunch the next day, although many old classmates still haven't gone. Because of worrying about her husband's miss, Xiao Ju still made an excuse. He urged Qiao Wen to leave and he sent her home.

Xiaoju's explanation Xu Sheng believed. She is a educated person, and she speaks reasonably. Besides, she usually knows how he is about him. After staying in the hospital for a few days, Zhang Xusheng also wanted to open it, even if they really revived their old feelings. Qiao Sheng had to leave in a few days, but he couldn't return for many years after leaving. Thousands of miles apart, what's wrong with Xu Xusheng?

Xu Sheng's face finally burst into a smile. The mother sitting on the eaves of his bed was very pleased. She held up her daughter-in-law's hand. "Ju Ju, I'm so confused. For the love of my grandson, you can forgive Mom this time. I was also very angry and fainted ... I ..."

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