
Moon On The Other Side

Chapter 24 Charming Mid-Autumn Festival


At dusk the next day, Li Ran went to pick up Aunt Wu again.

Zhang Xusheng has been discharged. The bed that was temporarily vacated was bare, and the ward suddenly became monotonous and empty.

Entering the ward, Li Ran felt that the atmosphere was not right-Aunt Wu was silent, Zhang Min was even more dignified, with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Li Ran was completely confused, and she sat down next to Wu Xun on the empty bed. I looked at Zhang Min and looked at Aunt Wu again, trying to guess what was happening from their expressions; Aunt Wu had no words, she was waiting for him to say.

"I'm okay!" Zhang Min's eyes didn't know whether it was joy or sadness. He looked at Li Ran with a complex expression, and seemed to have thousands of words. "Finally fine!"

"What's all right?" Li Ran stared at Zhang Min, anxiously wondering what was going on.

Zhang Min is still not in a hurry, and her charming big eyes once again looked at her sincerely: "I told you that I had missed someone and hurt someone. For this reason, I have been a wild ghost for two years abroad . Just now my mother and sister called and said that the person had dropped the lawsuit. In other words, no one was legally held accountable for the matter. "

After listening, Li Ran said happily, "This is a good thing from the heavens ..." Before he finished, he was interrupted by Zhang Min.

"Do you know why he withdrew?"

She didn't speak, just stared at him intently. That meant asking him why.

"Because my wife went to the United States with him, he was poorly arrogant. Oh, aunt, Li Ran, do you say it is ridiculous?" Zhang Min's tone was full of self-deprecating, "I can't figure out whether to thank him or to hate He. It 's even harder to avoid the two years in prison. It 's important for his wife to be abducted-it 's okay to run away with someone, at least you have to go through the formalities with me! "In the last two sentences, he seemed to say to himself Talk to yourself.

"Then ... can you go home?" Li Ran started his topic.

"No one has been held accountable for legal matters, and they have not let me go for political matters. On the Strait, my account is still blocked, copyright and performances are still blocked ... It may not be possible to return for a long time. Fortunately, my album has been published normally on the mainland, which is a blessing in misfortune. "He smiled slightly," Thank you very much for the government of the Republic, haha! "

"Are you ready to return to the mountain when you are well?"

"No, I'm already afraid of being in the limelight. It's not because someone has blocked me, but I really want to live a normal life. My family's misfortune exhausts me. I want to treat it with a calm day. I'm afraid I will always be entangled. . "Li Ran and Aunt Wu glanced at each other indiscriminately.

"You're staying in that humble hotel just to be hidden?"

"With this factor, I want to be peaceful for a few days."

"Aren't you going to go abroad right away?"

"Yes!" He answered firmly.

Aunt Wu, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't bear it. "Of course, don't ask him so much, Miner is still a patient and will be tired!"

Li Ran believed that what he was telling was the truth, indicating that he hadn't seen outsiders-he didn't treat us as an outsider, how can we treat him as an outsider? Last night's decision was recalled in her mind, and she kept talking and wondered whether the thoughts made in haste were thorough. But it must be said-he will be discharged soon. Thinking of this, she cut out.

"Aunt, I saw the attending doctor yesterday, and he said Zhang Min will be discharged soon. So I want to know what he plans to do after leaving the hospital, so I can make arrangements as soon as possible. If you don't think of leaving Jinnan, you can't let you grow old like this It 's not hard to run around! "

Aunt Wu then reacted, and she turned to Zhang Min. "I wanted to ask you this, too busy to forget. Miner, where are you going to go after you leave the hospital?"

Zhang Min's cheerful mood overflowed with words, and that look, it seemed that he had been discharged from the hospital. "Is there anyway, I live in a small hotel, it's quiet and clean, I like it very much. When I'm free, I will often go to your house to hang out and mix delicious meals made by my aunt, ha ha, Then you can't be bored of my neighbor! "

Aunt Wu took a meaningful look at Li Ran, she and Li Ran thought about it, but she could not say more. That home is Li Ran. She is not good at making decisions.

At first glance, Li Ran was seen through by Li Ran, but she deliberately circled, and said with a smile, "Aunt, it must be interesting to be a neighbor with Zhang Ming, a celebrity, what do you say?"

"This ... this ..." Aunt Wu didn't know how to respond.

Zhang Minyi gave a strange glance at Li Ran: "What celebrities are ordinary people and mortals at home. Hasn't your boss Li Ran seen this half-dead drunkard as a celebrity since this time? I really didn't see it ! "

"Haha, no!" Li Ran amused by his angry words. "But are you really a celebrity!"

"But Min Er is a patient now or for a long time to come!" Aunt Wu said worriedly, "If you live in a hotel for a long time, you will feel bored, and you will want to drink if you feel bored. I have to be hospitalized after hurting my stomach ... "

"Haha!" Li Ran laughed. "Auntie, you can just say, do you want your baby Miner to come back to our house?"

Aunt Wu glanced at Li Ran, before she could say something, she was interrupted by Zhang Min! "That won't work, it will cause you a lot of trouble!"

"Don't you have the heart to make this old bone worry for you every day? Every day running around to deliver you food?" Aunt Wu said.


"Don't do it anymore. If you don't hate it, treat me as a buddy, and I will treat you as a buddy. When your body is completely restored, where do you fall in love. We only treat you as a friend. Please remember Aunt Wu For the sake of your hard work, I agreed! "Li Ran's words were firm. He didn't know how to refute for a moment, but his mouth was wide open and dumb ...

The next day, Li Ran finished the necessary work in the factory and drove to the hospital to pick up Zhang Min and leave the hospital. When he returned, he dropped out of the small hotel room and took him back to her home.

Li Ran arranged him in the large bedroom on the first floor. Aunt Wu lives in the small bedroom on the first floor where she has always lived; she lives on the second floor.

In the first few days of Zhang Min's arrival, the weather was too good. The golden sun shines warmly on the ground in the autumn season; the birds fly around happily; in the yard, two tall sycamore trees are waving their off-white arms in the wind, and they will be gorgeous and colorful leaves Constantly shaking down; at the corner, a bunch of chrysanthemums are blooming, exuding a sweet fragrance of the heart.

What a charming Mid-Autumn Festival!

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