
Moon On The Other Side

Chapter 26


Needless to say, this group apparently came to find something. The short and unreasonable tone of the chubby man stirred the anger in Zhou Jianlong's heart, but he knew that it was not the time to be stubborn, and it was the best way to keep things quiet.

Endured with anger, he quickly searched for a solution in his head. I have encountered similar things before when I was working in a state-owned unit. At that time, the leader did not care about what he did. Over the years, I have heard my colleagues talk about who has a headache. In the seven years since the founding of the engineering team, he has fortunately never encountered such a thing, but today he is no longer lucky. However, since you dare to come out, you still have to be stingy. With a smile on his face, he said as gently as possible:

"Compensate right away? Oh, everyone has something to discuss." Zhou Jianlong faced the short fat man. "Which village are you from? Are you the person in charge of the village?" His words made the group laugh. They arrogantly called with a Henan accent:

"He is, haha!"

"You are the second baby, haha"

"Erwa, haha, you are all in charge, it's not easy!"

The chubby's eyes were wider than before, and he looked back at his associates. "Go and laugh at you again?" The people were silent and turned to Zhou Jianlong again. "Ask which village we are from? Which village do you stand on? I am not. The person in charge of the village will come in person Here? Don't think about it! "

"So ... can you be Lord?"

"Of course you can be the Lord. If you can't be the Lord, why are we here?"

"Then you say, what a compensation method!"

"Two methods, the first method, is a one-time compensation; the second method is based on the number of trips."

Zhou Jianlong sneered, "Oh, how do you say one-off compensation; how do you count by train number?"

The stupid man named Erwa slaps Zhou Jianlong and feels that he asked seriously, not as if he was joking. "Has he compromised so quickly?" He thought. In the past, no matter which engineering team was entangled with, they had to go through many twists and turns to make them unsettled, and they would not be able to do it for a long time before admitting to admit it.

Unexpectedly, Erwa was frightened, and said to Zhou Jianlong, "You ... wait a minute!" He turned his head and dragged the group of people who wanted to follow him, muttering.

Zhao Nan and Zhou Jianlong stared at each other indiscriminately, and invariably looked at the group of whisperers with scornful eyes. Zhao Jianlong said ironically, "Look, these gangs didn't negotiate the price of extortion before they came to blackmail!"

"Stabilize!" Zhao Nan secretly instructed, "Don't underestimate the gangsters, they have no culture, they can be bold!"

According to the contract, the raw material warehouse was contracted out to Zhao Jianlong. In other words, Jinnan Non-staple Food Co., Ltd. only needs to check the completion degree and quality of the project at that time, and the factory can ignore any problems that arise during the construction process. However, the wool came out of the sheep. Zhao Nan knew that there were some things that couldn't be done. Just like the trouble in this place, if Zhou Jianlong was under too much pressure, the construction period or quality of the project must be affected, and it was them who lost it.

Those people seem to have negotiated. They dispersed and, under the leadership of Erwa, gathered again in front of Zhou Jianlong. Erwa didn't show up alone, he may be worried that he can't speak alone. They came out three or four people at the same time, supplemented each other and corrected the price. Although it sounded a little messy, Zhou Jianlong and Zhao Nan still heard clearly. The price they asked was: one-time compensation was 60,000 yuan. According to bicycles, each vehicle cost 80 yuan for three round trips. A total of 70 or 80 trips were made by various vehicles. This compensation is only for these three days ...

Zhou Jianlong couldn't bear it. He interrupted them and said coldly, "You guys are almost naked!"

Erwa Zhong stared again. "How much do you have to pay for repairing our road? How can it be blackmail?" He waved his hand and said fiercely, "Come on, overturn their car. "With the order, the group of people dispersed, using their tools to rush towards the trucks that had been stopped.

"I see who dare to move!" Zhao Nan shouted unexpectedly, and all the eyes of the town were cast on him. "This section of the road was bought by all the units and residents on the roadside, and the money for the road was also We all shared it, how did it become your village? "

Among the villagers, a tall and sturdy man first responded. He lightened the hoe in his hand. "You bought the land, let us drink the northwest wind in the future? When you buy our land, you have to You feed us, you scum! "

"Just don't feed your pigs, can you hoe the ground again?" A brother of Zhou Jianlong led the engineering team of thirty people from the construction site, and they also carried sticks, picks, mills and other items in their hands. Weapons, put up a shelf fight. "I haven't seen such unreasonable things like you, do you want to bully people? Some kind of come!"

"Well, you want to fight?" Erba's face changed from red to purple. "Brothers, this group of goods will fight with us, what shall we do?"

"What else do you want, fucking mother!" Said the villagers, and raised their early-prepared weapons and rushed to the door.

"Slow!" Zhao Nan sang loudly. He didn't sit idle for a moment. He was ready for a fight, and such things had been encountered in the early days of the factory, so he knew it was useless to say good words. But it's enough, and it's necessary to scare them. It really isn't a joke.

Taking advantage of their hesitation moment, Zhao Nan called both the engineering team and the factory staff who belonged to the factory to the door of the factory. In this way, if they really started, everyone could quickly withdraw to the factory It is expected that those people did not dare to enter the gate to make trouble-they dared to come in, and the nature was serious. He believes these gangsters understand this.

The two sides formed a square array, facing each other nervously, hostile, and insulting. The air was full of gunpowder, as if the fire of a star could ignite.

In fact, no one on both sides is willing to fight, the purpose is to scare each other. But it seemed that the situation was out of control-at this point, in order to save face, I had to fight hard.

"Put everything down!" Li Ran appeared between those moments. "If anyone has the ability, come and fight me."

For Li Ran, the villagers knew each other. They had dealt with it before, and they knew she was not too prone to mess with it.

Finally, under the steps, the people on both sides put down the tools that were held high in their hands, but their mouths continued to scold each other.

"Just your bandits want to come and grab the money?"

"Be careful, how many of you believe it?"


"Stop talking!" Li Ran scolded both sides, and immediately said to the villagers cheerfully, "Who is the leader of you, let's talk?"

"There is no boss among us, but they are all bosses. If there is something you can say, Mr. Li," said the tall and sturdy man.

"Oh, you see that it's going to be dark this day. So, I basically know the cadres in your village. At night I will see your village leader. Believe me, I will give you a conclusion. OK? If the results I give do not satisfy everyone, my factory will not be able to run for a while, and the project will not stop construction, what do you say? "

"Are you going to see our village head or captain?" Erwa Di asked in vain.

"What do you mean by the village chief or the captain?"

"... Yes ... means what we all!"

"Oh, what do you all mean? Do you know how much money their engineering team can make in total by building a small warehouse like ours? And how much money can a driver make by pulling a cart of stone and sand?"

"Then we don't care, our land is gone, there must be a way to live, you President Li asked, of all the units and factories in this area, which one does not give us face? We are not vegetarian."

"This is not a matter of face, huh, huh, this way, it's going to be dark anyway, and the engineering team is going to close immediately. You go back first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow, okay?"

The villagers are very reluctant, but they know that they ca n't talk about the results today. On the other hand, they have to discuss the countermeasures. They picked up the tools one by one and withdrew, and before they left, they said, "Which car dare to run on this road before the problem is discussed, don't blame the guy in our hands who doesn't recognize anyone!"

The group of villagers have left for a while. Looking at the sand that fell in front of the gate, Li Ran, Zhao Nan, and Zhou Jianlong were blocked in their eyes and blocked in their hearts, but they had to get over again. The one in front of them was an unstoppable Kaner.

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