
Moon On The Other Side

Chapter 29 Warm Birthday Lunch


She thought Zhang Min would not know what happened in Li Ran's factory recently. Looking at him after careful care by Aunt Wu, his body and mood improved, and he secretly relieved.

The arrival of Zhang Min gave Li Ran's dull home a glimmer of life. His cheerful character and innate humor often made Li Ran and Aunt Wu laugh with laughter. Li Ran couldn't hook him up with the singer in Taiwan, but he knew clearly that he was him. Sometimes he was very quiet, sitting alone in his bedroom writing table and writing a morning or afternoon tune; sometimes he was also very excited, sitting in front of the simple piano in the corner of the living room, playing and singing while changing his tune. He likes reading, and the small study is also a place he frequents. I like to read any book, even Li Ran read the strenuous English books with interest.

The piano was bought by Li Ran for his son Dongdong a few years ago. Dongdong is too young to play, and turned into the exclusive product of nephew Li Xiaowei. Later, Xiao Wei and his brother went to Taiyuan to go to high school. It was left aside, and only occasionally Li Ran had a good mood and would touch it.

These days, Li Ran is too busy to take care of his family and has to give Zhang Min the full power to Aunt Wu. Today, she arranged things in the factory early. I bought a cardigan for Wu Ai and Zhang Min on the street and rushed home before lunch.

Just stepping into the threshold, Li Ran smelled a strong aroma of food. Zhang Min came out of the kitchen with a large apron tied. Obviously, he heard her motion and came out to greet him.

"Coming back?" He asked.

"Come back!" The apron he wore was so out-of-line with his clothes that it wasn't the right size. It was funny like a prank. Li Ran held back a laugh and asked, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Min extended his arms exaggeratedly and fiddled with the apron around his waist: "Do you still need to ask?"

She couldn't help laughing any longer, "It seems you have a strong taste as a housewife!"

"Of course, do you think I can only write songs and sing?" He liked Li Ran's hearty laughter, but she laughed so little. He learned from Aunt Wu and said, "Washing hands and eating" made Li Ran laugh more than laugh.

After washing her hands and entering the restaurant, Auntie Wu and Zhang Min were waiting for her. There was a large piece on the table, and a beautiful birthday cake was prominently placed in the center of the dishes. "Whose birthday is today?" Li Ran asked in amazement.

Aunt Wu glared at her with a smile and said to Zhang Min, "Look at her busy all day, even forgetting about it, but today, it's your 30th birthday!" Li Ran came back to his heart, Happily, "Ah," "It's time for me to come back today!"

"If you don't come back today, I'll call you in your factory. I'll get you back if I'm too busy." Aunt Wu said while lighting the three small red candles on the cake. She asked Li Ran to close her eyes and make a wish, and then blow out all the candles in one breath. Li Ran did what she said seriously.

Zhang Min poured three glasses of red wine, placed them in front of each other, and took up his own words and said to Li Ran, "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you!" Li Ran's eyes were wet, and the warmth of her long-lost home slowly flowed in her heart. Wasn't she looking for this wonderful feeling day and night for years? As long as the home is warm, the weather outside is nothing.

She lifted the glass intoxicatedly and said to Aunt Wu and Zhang Min, "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Zhang Min said.

Aunt Wu was anxious: "Don't do it. Of course, you can't drink a lot, drink less; Miner, your stomach is better, just a little bit more meaning ..." Aunt Wu worried that these two guys were drinking crazy . Before the discharge, the doctor ordered Zhang Min not to drink, but she could remember it clearly. During this time, she was worried about Zhang Min's alcohol addiction. She locked the wine cabinet. Today is an exception. She took out a bottle of red wine.

Zhang Min smiled and nodded, knowing that Aunt Wu was kind, but Li Ran said coyly, "Aunt, for the sake of my birthday, you can make an exception, Zhang Min hasn't been for days We're soaked, let's just do this bottle today! "

Seeing the two children happy, Auntie Wu had to give up the idea of ​​banning alcohol. "Then today, let's take it as an example!" She basically did not drink alcohol, and she was educated that drinking women is very uncommon.

Zhang Min glanced excitedly at Li Ran, knowing that she was fighting for "rights" for him-they were all good intentions and had different starting points. I wanted to say something, but stopped talking. Her busyness made her a little embarrassed. When she met for the first time, her depressed face still lingered in his mind, and now she felt a little distressed to come.

Li Ran stared at the dishes on the table, then chewed them, and said, "It feels good at home. The master of the factory knows how to make radishes and cabbage, and put a little in my belly The oil and water have been scraped off. "

She was amused by Zhang Min, "You are the head of a factory, why not teach them to cook better?"

"Don't forget that China is still a third world country now," said Li Ran. "I have worked hard, but not. The workers still need to use that salary to support their families. Even if I pay nine cents, they will pay a dime more to buy good food. There are also people who are unwilling. However, there will be bread, good food, and everything! "She did not want to say that the current situation of the factory's financial situation is tight. That was her trouble for a long time, and bank loans were too difficult.

Aunt Wu said distressedly: "After that, you will come home for dinner every day. It won't take you long."

Li Ran thought for a while and said, "Okay." Then to Zhang Min, "I'm so sorry, I've been busy since I brought you back, and I couldn't take good care of you."

"Don't say that, I'm in good health and don't need to take care of myself, and I'm fine with Aunt Wu at home. But you, always let ..." He wanted to talk to us, but he changed his mouth, "Let Aunt Wu be at ease."

"As long as you eat well, I let go of everything!" To Li Ran, "Ran, this fish was bought for you by Miner."

"What? He's on the street today?" Li Ran was anxious. "Aunt, didn't I tell you not to let him go out?"

"I'm going out myself, it's fine! I'm wearing sunglasses." Zhang Min said.

"You want to choke someone? Don't say it's a young man, even my old lady can't stand it at home for so long."

"But he ..." She was interrupted by Wu Ai before she could finish.

"I understand that he is a little different from others. But even the president of the country can come home!"

"..." Li Ran smiled bitterly. "Okay, I can't say you!"

"Okay," Zhang Min said wrongly, "I made you worry about me, but today I really want to go."

Li Ran glared at him with a smile, "Then you talk about what you saw when you went out."

Zhang Min looked at Aunt Wu and made a grimace. "First of all, I tasted the beauty of being a kid today."

"What's going on?" Li Ran asked.

"Aunt Wu didn't allow me to touch this and said that I was afraid of getting my hands dirty. I was not allowed to move that said that I was afraid of getting my clothes dirty. I was also worried about losing me. Sometimes I took him for a while ..." I said.

"Oh, she thought you hadn't grown up yet" Li Ran smiled. She imagined that he was holding hands by Aunt Wu.

Zhang Min didn't smile, he said seriously to Aunt Wu, "That kind of feeling has only been there when I was a kid. It's so happy! Aunt, how do I think our previous lives were to mother and son, thank you!"

Aunt Wu smiled, but her eyes were red. "Thank you, in my eyes, you are my children!"

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