
Moon On The Other Side

Chapter 35 Xiao Wei worships


From the first sight of Li Xiaowei, Zhang Min liked it very much. His brave kicking and stealing the bag thief was deeply in Zhang Min's mind, and with his beautiful appearance, he revealed the cuteness and cleverness everywhere, and made him happy everywhere.

Xiao Wei's extreme talent for music makes Zhang Min have a strong cultivation of him. Previously, although there were hordes of boys and girls eager to be his disciples, he did not agree. He used to think that apprenticeship was a matter of old age.

That night, Zhang Wei's eyes cast before taking a bath didn't forget, he was waiting and wondering what it would be.

Xiao Wei is curious about everything about Zhang Min. He asks about it during the day and back, and sometimes squeezes a bed with him at night. I like it so much.

He is not a child who is used to lying. It is helpless to keep everyone's little secrets. He also feels uncomfortable. He tried to disclose this to Zhang Min several times, but always decided to wait temporarily Two days later, if my aunt knew it, she would be in trouble.

For two days, Li Xiaowei felt that Zhang Min on the screen was really amazing. In just two days, he has learned a lot of techniques in music notation and singing from Zhang Min.

In the afternoon, Li Xiaowei hurriedly went out to buy a lot of vegetables before cooking, and had to cook for Aunt Wu. Aunt Wu only thought the child was whim, because he didn't even let her do it. What surprised Aunt Wu was that Xiao Wei didn't have any ambiguity when cooking, and the meals set up at dinner surprised Zhang Min and Aunt Wu.

These dishes look exquisitely prepared, the color mix is ​​extremely chic, and the arrangement of vegetarian dishes is extremely reasonable. Auntie Wu tasted it, and the degree of ripeness was just right. In her impression, she only knew that Xiao Wei would make tomato egg noodles at a very young age, but she did not expect that the child would become a big chef in half a year!

In fact, Li Xiaowei hasn't become a big chef. All the dishes he cooks today are based on a temporary study and learned from a book in the study. Of course, he knew that he couldn't hide the aunt, but the aunt just called to say that she didn't have to wait for her for dinner, and was probably entangled in something for a while.

Li Xiaowei actually took a bottle of Fen from Zhang Ai's locked box. That lock book was broken. It was broken by Xiao Wei two years ago. He later found that the lock could still be used. He never needed the key anymore. When he left, he only told this secret to Aunt Wu.

After Zhang Min came, fearing that he would have stomach trouble again, he hid all the wine in the wine cabinet here. At this point, Aunt Wu Mengfang was awake at first, and could not laugh or cry. But she was reassured that Xiao Wei only poured a small tea cup for Zhang Min and let the rest go back. Besides, Zhang Min hadn't committed any illness during this time. Xiao Wei wanted him to drink something and she said nothing.

Aunt Wu has a habit, and rarely eats at night. It's the same tonight. I drank a bowl of soup and tasted a few mouthfuls of food before returning to my room to rest early. Only Zhang Min and Xiao Wei were left at the table.

Watching Li Xiaowei toss for half an afternoon, Zhang Min was wondering, "Xiao Wei, what medicine do you sell in this gourd?"

"Nothing ... nothing, nothing."

"No, according to the customs of our Chinese people, to be courteous to others, should it be necessary?"

Xiao Wei told him about avoiding college. After listening, Zhang Min was silent for a long time, and then spoke after a long time: "That is to say, everything is late now?" Xiao Wei nodded.

"Maybe one day, Xiao Wei, who will regret today's decision, you're joking too much."

"I will never regret it, even if I am not admitted to a satisfactory university next year!" His childish face shows a few matures that do not match his age.

"Since everything is too late. I'll take your stand. I think your approach is too bold and will make your family sad, but running in the direction you want is not necessarily entirely wrong. Your destiny is in your hands. You have to palm it. "

Xiao Wei raised the drink in the cup excitedly and said to Zhang Min, "Thank you for your understanding, I am very grateful!" Because he drank too hard, he was choked up and coughed, and at this moment Li Ran hurried back.

As soon as she got home, she began to wipe her tears. Wei Wei had to ask, "Auntie, do you know?"

"I see!" She almost cried out because of her anxiety, "Xiao Wei, when did you learn to lie?"

Looking at Li Ran was sad, Xiao Wei was at a loss, "Aunt, this is the first time in my life to lie to you, and it will be the last time, I swear!"

"I don't want you to swear, I want you to pack up quickly, we will return to Taiyuan immediately."

"No, I won't return!" Xiao Wei said firmly.

"What's wrong? Your parents are dying. I said why your family hasn't answered the phone for the past two days. It turned out they were looking for you everywhere, you child, how can your child be like this!"

"I'm definitely not in a hurry now, because the last time to sign up-today, it's over."

"I'm still in a hurry. Your parents have greeted the school and said there might be hope. Quick!" She has started to pack things for Xiao Wei. "Zhang Min, please persuade him," she asked for help.

Li Ran's sad look was called Zhang Min's distress. He said kindly: "Li Ran, don't worry, can you listen to me?"

Li Ran was paralyzed and sat on the sofa.

He poured a glass of water into her hand. "Li Ran, do you really think it's good for him to force Xiao Wei to go to a university he doesn't want to attend?"

In fact, she also disagreed with Ge Yi's view that learning is not serious. She also knows that children have talent in this regard and should respect their choices. But she also has her embarrassment, "But I'm just Xiao Wei's aunt. Can I do such a big thing!"

"I should always have the right to decide for myself, I'll tell my parents." Just when the two adults were silent, Xiao Wei had called the phone, until Xiao Wei's voice came out there, he only Pick up the receiver. "Mom, it's me ... I'm sorry, I really have to do it .... I don't plan to go back right away, and I don't want you and my dad to worry about me, ... I have decided, Otherwise, I will hate you in the future. "There was a cry on the other side of the phone," ... Do n't come here, or I will disappear again, and I can do it ... My aunt has to let me go back, I have already She cried angrily ... I know you are all for me, but you don't know what I really need, how can you be for me, ... Is Dad at home? ... You asked him to answer the phone .... Daddy, sorry! ... I will never regret it ... I am sixteen years old and not young ... I will never complain about you even if I sweep the garbage one day. "Xiao Wei's smile on his face was" hey, hey ... "Here she is," he said cheerfully to Li Ran, "my dad. Italian, and sister, he calls you answer the phone. "

Li Ran answered the phone and heard the voice of his brother Li Chunsheng, "Forget it, since Xiao Wei didn't want to go to that university, we just arrested him and he would run, I still know his personality, you let He will stay with you for a few days, and returning right away will be of no use except to anxious our mother and make your sister-in-law angry ... "

Putting down the phone, Li Ran stared fiercely at Li Xiaowei, picked up the chicken feather marbles on the sofa, pretended to be angry, "Let you bad boy lie to me again, I ca n't be lawless for you, I have spoiled you since childhood After finishing talking, Xiao Wei was going to fight. Xiao Wei was afraid of being hit by feather balls, and turned around with Li Ran around the dining table.

Zhang Min reluctantly said, "Forget Li Ran, I've already reached this one, and I won't be able to fight again. It's better to sit down and taste some of Xiaowei's craftsmanship!"

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