
Moon On The Other Side

Chapter 36 Xiao Wei's Masterpiece


Then Li Ran saw the fine food on the dining table. "Did Xiao Wei make it?"

"Of course!" Xiao Wei said proudly.

When Li Ran found a pair of chopsticks, he was going to pinch the dishes, which was blocked by Xiao Wei. "Auntie, don't eat first. I have two sentences to ask Uncle Zhang Min, can you eat after you ask?

"Ah?" Li Ran was a little bit hazy, but she knew that this boy wouldn't do loss-making trading when he was a kid. He wouldn't work hard to make this table of good things. What's the intention? Thinking about it, but listening to Xiao Wei asking Zhang Min.

"Uncle, do you say I'm stupid?"

"Not stupid!"

"I have the potential to surpass you? That's what you said."

"Yes, I said it!"

"If I'm not stupid and have a little future, can you ... can I be accepted as an apprentice?"

Zhang Min and Li Ran laughed unwillingly. It turned out that, after going through such a big bend, they wanted to say this!

"No, we Xiaowei may one day become a scientist. How sacred it is, being an artist is a little bit cursed ..."

The tears of Xiao Wei have flowed before Zhang Min's words were said, "I said, I'm not interested in those. Where is my monkey's spleen nature as a scientist? For this reason, I have given up attending a prestigious university. Opportunity ... if you do n't, do n't take it! "

Seeing that Xiao Wei was serious, Zhang Min became serious. "I said that Li Xiaowei, even if you do n't ask me, I will teach you all my life skills, as long as you are willing to learn. Those words that made you a scientist just now It's all a joke, don't be sad! "

Xiao Wei broke his tears and smiled, "Really?" He wiped his tears and poured some drinks into Li Ran's glass. "Then let's have a drink. From now on, you are my teacher!" Xiao Wei will The drink in his hand was used as wine, respectfully touched Zhang Min and Li Ran and drank it. Where did I find a newspaper pad on my knees, kneeling down on the floor and giving Zhang Min a three-sounding beating, and then I ate a meal happily.

Li Ran took a bite of braised bonito and almost spit it out. "What is it like? There doesn't seem to be any seasoning in it!" Zhang Min and Xiaowei each took a sip and both started to behave strangely. It turned out that Xiao Wei forgot to put Salt, so the three laughed at the same time.

Xiao Wei finally worshiped Zhang Min, the idol in his heart, as a teacher. He slept in bed at night, and he still had the same dreaming feeling. He is not blindly worshipping young people like Hong Kong and Taiwan singers. In fact, he always thinks that many Hong Kong and Taiwan actors and actresses shine with special geographical advantages, and he looks down on them. But he worshipped Zhang Min only-his noble personality charm made him admire him. His world-famous creative skills and pure and skillful voice taught him to admire himself.

Since the turmoil in college has subsided, Li Ran's piano, singing and laughter are endless.

Zhang Min began to systematically teach Xiao Wei's skills in composition, pronunciation and performance. Xiao Wei was very devoted and learned very quickly. They moved forward at a rate of more than a week a day at the university. In just two weeks, Xiao Wei has roughly mastered all the theoretical aspects of music composition. Today, Zhang Min found a word called Xiao Wei's bold compose. It was written by Li Ran for Zhang Min.

The night before Xiao Wei arrived, Li Ran and Zhang Min went for a walk. Deep in the night, his messy heart was spreading out. To this end, Li Ran wrote a word to analyze his sadness.

No parting

Mo said that the trekking journey is winding, and the dream is far away. Mo Xiang wants apricot blossoms to blow in the breeze. You already have spring. Mo asks what kind of beloved people return from love and hatred. Mo Gu guesses the fruits of autumn are Who is Asus Qiuyue and who is plump, autumn leaves everywhere are dense but thick, love is the face of loved ones.

And listen to the wind who is passing by the branches who is calling, and smelling the chrysanthemum burst of stars, which side of the sea I am, and singing a sad song, dancing, nostalgic, nostalgic, and ancient poems, my heart is chaotic Depression lingers on the top of the mountain, looking, looking, looking, looking, thinking, thinking, thinking.

Do not leave, why is the feelings worthy; Seeing through.

Xiao Wei Xing Ding was so arrogant as a bull. After a morning of hard work, he fought hard in the afternoon, and in the evening gave Zhang Min the rest of his life's first musical composition.

Zhang Min took this notation and read it carefully, and said to Xiao Wei with pleasure: "Yes, Xiao Wei, you have made rapid progress. I was surprised to be able to write such a composition for the first time." He found a pen A few changes were made on the top "However, you try this is different from your previous effect." He changed Xiao Wei's 2/4 beat to 4/4 beat; improved the tunes behind the interlude Twice.

Xiao Wei played it again according to Zhang Min's altered tune. He found that the altered tune was much deeper because of the slower rhythm, and the ending was a lot higher. The whole tune was abruptly long after only two simple changes.

"It's incredible, it's incredible!" Xiao Wei said in surprise: "Uncle Zhang Min, why did you see the point at once?"

"This requires the accumulation of life, which no one can teach. Any good work needs the feeling of life. It can be said that life is the only and inexhaustible source of all literary and artistic creations ... you may listen to them for a while I do n't understand, you just need to eat the theoretical stuff further, and it is not easy to do that. "

"What can we do to make the accumulation of life richer faster?"

"It's hard to say, you should discover and taste the various feelings and tastes in life in detail."

"Does this have anything to do with age?"

"Generally speaking, the richness of experience is directly proportional to age, but it also varies from person to person."

"Does the more suffering you experience, the richer your experience?"

"Maybe so."

"I see! No wonder my aunt has never received formal music training and is so sensitive to music. It turned out that she suffered too much!"

After listening to Xiao Wei's words, Zhang Min's heart seemed to be twisted by someone. But he still looked casually and asked, "Have your aunt suffered a lot?"

"Yes, my aunt hasn't told you?" Xiao Wei sighed old-fashionedly. "Her" life "is always not so smooth."

Only then did Zhang Min find out that he wanted to know Li Ran so much, and couldn't wait.

"Your old uncle ... do you like him?"



"He always taught the aunt to be sad." Xiao Wei said, "I was very disapproved when my aunt married him at first, but she didn't listen to me. She couldn't even listen to my grandfather's words, so she was angry for a long time. .The results of it?"

Xiao Wei's words amused Zhang Min, "Why don't you approve of their marriage?"

"Originally, my family was the aunt's home. After marriage, their family suddenly became the aunt's home. Every time I go to her, I still have to consider his face ... anyway, because of him, My aunt came back less often, and because of him, I always feel uncomfortable whenever I come here. Uncle Zhang Min, why do you have to get married when you grow up? "

Zhang Min didn't answer the questions he asked, but asked, "Do you want your aunt to never get married?"

"At least I hope that person I like. For example, that person is you ..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Min was flustered, and all of his blood suddenly seemed to pour into his face, so anxious that he was sweating. "If ... if you want to make your aunt happy, hurry up and practice your chu girl a few times and wait for her to perform with her when she comes back at night."

"Okay, but we have to perform at the same time!"

Zhang Min patted Xiao Wei's head, "You ghost!"

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